Address: 78, Kifisou Ave., “Sepolia” area, Athens – Greece
Basic Information
- Plot size 2.961,16 sqm
- Building Coefficient 3/ Coverage Coefficient70%
- Permitted height 27m
- 3 facades on free access roads
- Distance from Bus station 500m and from Metro station 950m
- 4km from Athens city center
- 35km from Athens International Airport (through national roads)
Permitted land uses are:
- Offices
- Retail
- Whole sale trade
- Warehouses
- Super Markets
- Exhibitions
- Gas Station
- Parking
Disclaimer: The above information is conditional, as the property is located in the area of Eleonas and the regional planning of the subject area has not been yet completed.
All the information has been taken and transferred based on the foreclosure report of the property.
Property Highlights
- Located in high exposure area
- Multiple possibilities for commercial use
The Location
The surrounding area is comprised of several high density residential areas. On both sides of the Kifisou Ave. there are multiple types of commercial properties ranging from supermarkets, maternity stores, hardware stores, tech stores, electric supplies shops, car dealerships and service points, offices and more. Multinational and major Greek companies have their headquarters and main shops on Kifisou Ave.
The property is on the main road connecting Piraeus port with the north of Athens and northern Greece in general.
The location is very prominent and any building will have a lot of exposure to many people daily.
Access to 78, Kifisou Ave.
By car :
- Through Kifisou Ave.
- Access from both sides of the Avenue through sideroads
By metro:
- From Sepolia Station 950m ~10mins walk
By bus:
- Several stations in the surrounding area ranging from 650m to 1200m ~ 7-15mins walk
The acquisition process will performed through electronic auction and interested parties are welcome to participate accordingly.
A notice for the said auction and additional information will be provided, following the expressed interest to participate in the said auction for the acquisition of the property.
The process
Auction’s base price: 2 ,139,480.20 €
Auction date: 20 September 2023
E Auction link:
The deadline for down payments (30% or € 641,844.20) three working days before the E-Auction process
Contact Persons
Yannis Paraskevopoulos |📧
Michalis Kalligeris |📧
DANOS, an alliance member of BNP PARIBAS REAL ESTATE
Address: 15, Vouliagmenis Ave., 11636, Athens, Greece
📞 +30 210 7567 567