The property is a car Parking Station and is located in close proximity of city’s Court House (just opposite). More specifically, we are referring to two horizontal properties available either separately or can be fully operational as one business unit.
- BASEMENT “A” (level -1) 2,114.01 sqm surface, includes 51 parking spaces as well as vehicle circulation corridors, ascending – descending ramps, stairwells and elevators for persons, vehicles’ elevator, PPC substation area, boiler room, administrative offices space, WC and staff space. The building whereas the basement is located, has its façade at 26, October Str.
- BASEMENT “B” (level -2) 2,114.01 sqm surface, includes 58 parking spaces as well as vehicle circulation corridors, ascent-descent ramps, stairwells with elevators, vehicles elevator, PPC substation area, boiler room, offices space, WC and staff space. The building whereas the basement is located has its façade at Sapfous (ή Sapfous) Str. & Promitheos Str.
The entry / exit of vehicles from the car parking station is conducted from Sapfous (ή Sapfous) Street.
Note: The property is available through e-auction process
Starting price:
Basement “A” € 440,000
Basement “B” € 440,000
Auction date: 15/6/2022